Django #1: Project Start up
Initialize a project To initialize a project, run the following command: django-admin startproject name_of_the_project Note that name_of_the project can not be test or django as they will have conflicts. After running the command, it will automatically generate some files. The file structure looks like below: name_of_project | | | | | The function of these files are as below: Settings/configuration for this Django project. 配置文件 The URL declarations for this Django project; a “table of contents” of your Django-powered site. An entry-point for ASGI-compatible web servers to serve your project. An entry-point for WSGI-compatible web servers to serve your project. Creating an APP After initialize Django, we can now start creating an APP. To create an APP, run the following command: python startapp name_of_your_app It will then create a directory called name_of_your_app with the following files name_of_your_app||||--migrations |||| We can define different views within A view takes a web request and returns a response. This response can be rendered HTML, JSON, XML, etc. After writing a view, we…